Courtney Audain is the Entreproducer of Coinhead Media Studios.
In addition to his impressive musical career, Courtney has over
25 years experience as a sound engineer and producer. Courtney produced
and recorded a number of CDs at Coinhead Media Studios. He currently
is producing and performing with many talented Austin musicians,
including Austin favorite Sarah Hickman and several artists with
forthcoming releases on the Coinhead label.
Courtney's production talent was highlighted in a recent review
for his role in producing "Sweet Nothing," the new release
by Kathy Smock. According to veteran music reviewer Margaret Moser
of the Austin Chronicle: "It's as good a rock debut as Mina
Mauldin's SuperPsychoticQueen last year, but layered more percussively.
No surprise there, as Austin percussive dynamo Courtney Audain produced
and arranged the album." More